Professional European Car Maintenance
For Dealer-level maintenance of Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volvo, and Audi/Porsche/VW, choose MB-Tek!
Scheduled Maintenance
Full Array of Maintenance Services
MB-Tek provides a complete array of critical maintenance services that conform to manufacturer specified schedules and exceed all important warranty requirements:
Oil and filter service
Transmission service
Brake system flush
Timing Belt service
Air filters, spark plugs, fuel filters, and drive belts that meet or exceed original equipment specifications
All parts and lubricants used by MB-Tek meet or exceed original equipment manufacturer specifications. When you choose MB-Tek for routine maintenance, you can be sure you are getting the very best service for your car - thus maximizing vehicle durability and reliability while minimizing downtime and long term ownership cost.
Excellent, professional service, highly recommended.
-C. Esteves